BeeBot Robot in Action

Turn it on, program it, and let ‘er rip!

Bee Bot Robot

Bee-Bot through the Tunnel

Together, we programmed the Bee-Bot robot to go through the tunnel.

Turning on a Bee-Bot Robot

This is how to turn on a Bee-Bot robot. There are three switches on the bottom that must be switched on.

Bee-Bot in Action

The Bee-Bot robot is a programmable robot that has command buttons on its back. Forward, back, turn right, turn left, pause, go, etc.

Here are some images of the robot in action, as well as images of the slide dck lesson that introduced the topic.

Thank you to Stephanie Nielson for letting me photograph her class.

Paper Commands

This class of five students familiarized themselves with arrow commands: move forward, turn left, and turn right. They are made of paper, though I really should laminate them.

This was used to introduce the bee-bot emulator website, which also uses arrows to command the bee-bot. But first, I modeled the beebot using Notebook software.

The students took turns using my bluetooth touch pad to command the bee-bot.

Bee-Bots Online

Second time I am seeing the class this week. First time I pretended to be a robot and they programmed me to get to the lightswitch in the doorway…move forward x number of steps, turn left, turn right.

This time i had paper cutouts of robots and paper arrows for forward, turn left, turn right.

After showing the papers, i asked the kids if they had seen the website. They all said NO. So we went to the website on the smart board.

(FYI ..I was using a bluetooth touchpad to control the smartboard, to Wow effect from the students. They all wanted a try)

We went to beebot emulator website ( on the smartboard. I demonstrated how it works. I showed a couple of moves using the blank card mat, then had two students come up to command the beebot using the alphabet mat.

Then they all went to the computers to do their own explorations and programming.

One student came up to code the beebot travelling to the girl’s room on the school mat.

May 2024