3D Printing and TinkerCAD at 79M

Enjoy the 3D printing lessons and products from 79M

Printing iPad Stands for Stop-Motion Animation

Our Makerbot Replicator Z18 was hard at work printing iPad stands for the iPad Movies: Stop-Motion Animation workshop held at the district office. Here you can see four of them mid-print.

Here is an iPad stand supporting a phone. Note how we taped the phone to the stand, and the stand to the table, to minimize jiggling.

Spinning Tree

This is a 3D printed tree that has movable branches. IMG_3269


I made it in Sketchup of simple geometric shapes, each rectangle just a wee bit smaller than the lower one.


The top part of the tree was actually a bit of challenge to create, as I had to create the triangle shape, but then make a partial hole through one side of it. There are three versions of it in the illustration above.

I exported each piece separately into Makerbot and then printed them one at a time.

Here are some more views of the tree.






Hinges from start to finish

I designed hinges in Sketchup

sketchup hinges

and exported them to Makerbot

Makerbot hinges

Here they are being printed (around 40% done)

Hinges infill

Here it is about 60%


meh. The machine just overheated.

hinge final

It is just as well, since the design was not correct. The hinges are just a bit too big to fit together.

Back to Sketchup….


Back at the District Office, I have been experimenting with a Makerbot Replicator 2X Dual Extrusion 3D Printer (whew, that’s a mouthful).Makerbot 2X

There is so much potential for 3D printing, yet there is still just a 66% success rate on our prints. Some prints stop sticking to the build plate, sometimes the extruder clogs up in the middle of a print, sometimes who-knows-what happens.

I wish it were as easy as a Ron Popeil’s rotisserie chicken cooker. You know, “JUST SET IT AND FORGET IT!”)

May 2024