In Emergency, Break Glass

When a terrarium is overcrowded, the plants cannot grow to their full potential. Best practice is to repot the plants into new bigger containers. This terrarium was glass, so we had to use a hammer to break the glass and remove the plants!

Special soil for cacti and succulent plants (called Cactus Mix) is not too dense, so the water can drain out and the roots do not drown.

We carefully removed the glass bits that were stuck in the roots and soil before repotting.

Print Test Page Showdown!

You asked for it, and we did it. A recent office printer purchase was the perfect scenario to do the Mac versus Windows Print Test Page Competition, i.e., to test out the “print test page” function on the Mac and Windows printer system settings. Do they return the same results?

We printed to the Toshiba e-Studio3525AC printer/copier.

The test results are in!

Which do you think is the winner?

Windows on the left, Mac on the right

In terms of simple color and design, nothing beats Mac. However, in terms of usual information, including website printer location, Windows wins!

Picnic in the Park

The 3D World year-end meet and greet was a huge success.

We ate lunch, played football and frisbee, tossed beach balls, flew kites, raced with an egg in a spoon, and so much!

It js always great seeing the avatars in real life.

June 2024